The WSU Skagit County Shore Steward program is a WSU Extension program that helps shoreline community residents and businesses protect the Skagit watershed through property decisions. Each Shore Steward adopts up to 10 Guidelines for Shoreline living and receives free information from WSU Skagit County Extension to make those decisions. Shore Stewards protect the waters and wildlife of Puget Sound, one property at a time.
Primary Programs/Projects:
Participants in the Shore Steward program will get:
Reason for joining the Skagit Watershed Council:
The WSU Skagit County Extension would like to join the Skagit Watershed Council because we educate the public about best land practice on their properties to protect Puget Sound for future generations. WSU Shore Stewards program is a trusted source of information for Washington State and would be a good addition to the Skagit Watershed Council since one of the main focuses of the SWC is to empower the general public though information sharing. The Shore Steward program hopes to be a reliable partner that the public can trust to get science-based information about how to preserve our waterways.