This report was compiled from many independent research and monitoring projects completed between 2000 and 2016 by various restoration and research practitioners in the watershed. The purpose of this Monitoring and Adaptive Management (M&AM) report is to present an adaptive management framework for collective decision-making; to present a summary of the status and trends (where available) of explicit and implied habitat indicators from the Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan (2005); and to make recommendations for future monitoring and adaptive management. Ecosystem components in the report include natal Chinook estuaries (referred to as the tidal delta), pocket estuaries, large and small freshwater channels, off-channel lakes and wetlands, and uplands. This report does not include salmon monitoring nor does it attempt to link salmon performance and habitat. These data represent our best assessments at this time, but, with very few years of information, care should be taken in how status and trends are interpreted and acted upon.